The importance of attendance

The Importance of Attendance One of the most important thing a student can do to achieve academic success is going to school every day.It is also the basic habit that one should achieve In fact, research has shown that a student's attendance record may be the biggest factor influencing his/her academic success. You can never become a good participant if you are absent. By absenteeism we mean not only taking frequent leaves. There are four types of absentees: 1. Those who take frequent leaves. 2. Those who come late or leave early. 3. Those who take frequent breaks from work or class. 4. Those who are physically present but mentally absent. How to achieve good attendance? *Try to get between 6-8 hours of sleep every night. *Avoid afternoon naps. (If you feel very tired, take half an hour nap) *Keep all the things ready for the next day. *Always try to reach the desired venue 15 minutes early. *Complete home works, project...