THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS TO SUCCEED IN LIFE. HARD WORK Hard work is the most prominent factor in success. It is said that: "Dreams don't work unless you do". If we have an extreme desire, it will be followed by hard work. We should sacrifice ourselves in order to accomplish our dreams. We should be workaholics. If we glance at the the lives of famous personalities we could see their desire and sacrifice to succeed. NBA legend Michael Jordan spent his off seasons taking hundreds of jump shots a day Venus and Serena Williams were up hitting tennis balls at 6 A.M. from the time they were 7 and 8 years old Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer routinely pulled all nighters and 130 hour work weeks while at Google We all know the chemical formula of water is H2O. But the chemical formula of success is H2W ie; Hard Hard Work. PRAYER Einstein said " Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." But that 1% is very important than 99%. " Pr...